OverlookedInjury.com - The Guide for Plaintiff’s Representative's

About Us

The Overlooked Injuries website was created to inform and educate plaintiff’s attorneys to maximize settlement valuation related to the medical components of a bodily injury claim.

Recognizing that there are seven (7) predominant Injury Severity Types that often go overlooked in auto accident cases, this site was designed as a platform where trained medical experts could educate plaintiff's attorneys about injuries that many are unfamiliar with.

In addition to the recognizable disc conditions and radiculopathies (nerve injuries), many lawyers believe that a soft tissue claim has no merit unless there are major injuries. There are seven (7) Injury Severity Types that are often overlooked in minor car crashes that carry significant weight and if left undetected, will harm both the patient and the claim.

  1. AOMSI –Spine Instability
  2. Uncinate Process (Neck Vertebra) Fracture
  3. MTBI’s
  4. Cervical Chain Ganglia Injuries
  5. Vertebrobasilar Artery Insufficiency
  6. PTSD (Auto Accident Induced)
  7. Muscle Morphological Tissue Changes

For Example:

It is estimated that 45% of auto injured clients have a spine injury that carries a sixty-six thousand ($66,000.00) dollar set-aside, case settlement reserve by insurers that is being overlooked because it is not visible to the human eye and. Realizing that is a lot to leave on the table, this site was born.

This site is growing to be able to educate plaintiff’s representatives about other injuries that many providers and ER rooms miss. Courses are CEU and CLE accredited. Some of the injuries require special x-ray positioning, some take up to 2 months to show, some are missed due to lack of questioning of the injured party and some are just plain unknown to evaluators and administrators.

You can be sure however that the insurers are aware of these injuries, in fact they refer to them as “DECISION POINTS”.

The insurers have set-aside case settlement reserves for each injury “decision point” based on their own formula called:

The Decision Point To Dollar Translation Multiplier Formula

We want you to know about medical “Decision Points” that translate into a settlement valuation based on each insurer’s rate. With each missing decision point, there will be missing settlement valuation.

We make available FREE medical-legal books, a FREE weekly medical-legal e-Bulletin and FREE CLE Courses that can be presented in the comfort of your own office at no cost.

Our CLE Accredited Courses and e-Books can be ordered at www.cleinjury.com and presented to you by a certified Course Presenter listed in our directory.

Click to get a directory listing of the course presenters and providers in your area.