OverlookedInjury.com - The Guide for Plaintiff’s Representative's

Can You Tell Which Spine Has
The $66,000 Neck Injury?

Flexion Extension X-rays

DON’T WORRY: This injury can not be seen by the human eye and requires the use of Diagnostic Radiographic Mensuration Analysis (DRMA) which is not a normal component in a doctor’s office or MRI center.

DON’T GUESS: Because this injury goes undetected, up to half of injured parties will be misdiagnosed. We've eliminated the guess work. Using this site both doctors and lawyers representing the injured can now Upload 2 X-Rays to our lab. We will conduct a special analysis done by software, following AMA Guidelines. You will receive a report containing evidence based data in admissable format. Click the link to Upload X-Rays and follow the simple instructions. Low cost covered by insurance.

65% of Accident Victims Have A $66,000 Neck Injury That Gets Overlooked

Neck Injury

Is Your Accident
Client One Of Them?

Diagnostic Radiographic Mensuration Analysis (DRMA)

DRMA is utilized to calculate musculoskeletal abnormalities by detecting angular motionand translation of adjacent vertebrae tramatically induced resulting in a 25% Whole Person Impairment that constitutes spinal instability that has resulted in insures' issuing a set-aside case settlement reserve of $66,000.00.

This technology should be engaged on all auto accident victims for reliable assessments, which can lead to propper treatment and help to increase the value of the Personal Injury settlement.

Free CLE Courses

We are proud to offer you FREE CLE Courses which can be seen at our site: wwwcleinjury.com

These courses can be presented in the comfort of your own office or online at no cost.



We want attorneys to have knowledge of Injury Severity Types including;

  • Documentation
  • Research references
  • Language and
  • Exhibits

…to exchange sufficient evidence-based data, interface and input added valuation into an injury or Colossus claim.

We initially created these courses to educate plaintiff’s attorneys about bodily injury severity types that are often overlooked, even in the ER room and can harm the patient and the claim when mis-diagnosed.

Some of the injuries cannot be seen by the human eye and require special technology to detect or special x-ray/patient positioning and some can take a few months to appear in lab or on x-ray.

Our course syllabus’ has grown and now contains 6 different programs consisting of:

  • General
  • Technical
  • Ethics
  • Civil Trial

The CLE Courses present data that plaintiff's attorneys are using today in bodily injury claims to:

  • Overcome Colossus And Other Software's Insurers Use
  • Maximize Settlement Valuation In A Bodily Injury Claim
  • Eliminate Adjuster & IME Varying Opinions and Disputes
  • Win The Greater Weight Of The Evidence Challenges
  • Save 50% Of The Legal Time & Spend To Formulate A Demand
  • Determine Vital Differences Medical Examiners Have On An Injury Claim
  • Identify Bodily Injury Severity Types That Are Often Overlooked
  • Counter The 13 Unfair Claims Settlement Practice Acts (UCSPA's)
  • Understand The Formula Insurers Use To Determine Settlement Valuation
  • Access And Use Zeus - A FREE Online Tool To Counter Colossus

Please peruse our website at: www.cleinjuiry.com for more data and to locate a physician in your area who can assist you with evidence-based documentation for inclusion in your demand as well as provide the CLE Courses in the comfort of your office at no cost.

We produced a series of medical-legal books as well as a weekly e-Bulletin series with information directed toward medical-legal representatives that we make available at no cost. You can view and request copies by contacting a representative in your area or view our www.cleinjuiry.com website

DRMA in the Courts
Case Settlemtn

initial offer: $7,000
Jury award: $75,000

Initial offer: $11,000
After deposition: $42,000

Won Daubert Challenge
Initial offer: $7,000
Jury award: $100,000

Initial offer: $40,000
After deposition: $212,000

These represent a few cases that went to deposition or trial. There are many other and continuing demands being made daily on the AOMSI Injury and claims paid at very favorable settlement valuations including full policy coverage limits that do not go to deposition or trial.

The policy of Accident Works Of America, is to avoid trial. No personal injury claim that has been processed through Zeusclaim, has been tried since its inception in 2008. Please peruse the websites @: www.accidentwork.com and www.zeusclaim.com to learn more about the advanced personal injury documentation and representation system(s).

Our goal at www.overlookedinjuries.com is to provide a portal for both physicians and plaintiff’s attorneys to upload x-rays for analyzation of AOMSI, the $66,000 Spine Injury and learn about overlooked spine injurues.

We also exist to provide you access to research, references, language and exhibits to help attain at-or-near the case settlement reserve insurers have set-aside for the AOMSI injury and obtain data about other Injury Severity Types, including the seven (7) most commonly overlooked injuries seen in auto accidents.

Members provide CLE Courses and will present them in your office and online at no cost on various subjects pertaining to Bodily Injury claims.